We invite you to attend our 340B Pharmacy Academy®, a continuing education program for network pharmacies, prospective pharmacies, Covered Entities and other 340B stakeholders. The Academy sessions are designed to help pharmacies ensure participating in 340B is hassle-free and profitable.

About the Presenters

The Pharmacy Team at SUNRx hosts the 340B Pharmacy Academy® webinar series. With deep 340B expertise and experience, our Pharmacy Team brings you these educational sessions to cover 340B pharmacy administration, inventory management, reporting, and more. The sessions are designed to help pharmacies realize a seamless and profitable 340B experience. Learn more about how we help pharmacies.

Sessions ON-DEMAND

What You’ll Learn

Each seminar features our 340B experts discussing the following pharmacy-related topics:

340B Pharmacy Administration

Introduction to SUNRx 340B pharmacy administration.

Inventory Management

Learn to manage inventory swell.

Virtual Inventory Reports

Get a peek into virtual inventory solutions.


Invoices and Payments

Manage the accounting process.


Understanding true-ups, accounting and cash management.


Stay on top of the latest in 340B Pharmacy administration.

Who Should Attend
  • Pharmacy owners
  • Pharmacists in charge
  • Managers
  • Ordering/receiving personnel
  • Bookkeepers/accounting
  • Anyone interested in learning about 340B pharmacy.
Join Us

SUNRx Pharmacy Academy® Webinar

Sign up below for the SUNRx Pharmacy Academy® webinar.