Our complete 340B solution is tailored to each client and designed to optimize program performance, while helping ensure that the 340B program is administered in accordance with regulations.
We offer a flexible solution to bring your 340B program together. Our approach includes a single point of contact for all 340B administrative services, promotion of 340B compliance through a real-time Covered Entity IT patient eligibility interface, and more.
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Convenient access to affordable medications. Whether an Entity seeks to supplement its in-house pharmacy or to contract with community pharmacies.
Prescription discount card program provides a conduit for covered entities to pass-along the 340B discounts to their low income and uninsured patients.
We have unrivaled expertise with specialty contract pharmacy and understand the important drug-specific nuances for specialty expansion within 340B.
With referral claims capture functionality, capture prescriptions from referral visits to potentially generate significantly more 340B savings.
Take referral claims capture to the next level with Advanced Clams Capture, designed to find and recover fallout claims to help you realize additional savings.
Our split billing solution virtually separates 340B, non-340B, and GPO purchasing transactions in mixed-use settings to help ensure patient eligibility compliance.
We believe quality customer service is the basis for a strong and active partnership. Every client receives ongoing support and expertise through dedicated customer care.